Colonel Doumbouya orders the opening of an air line between Conakry and Kigali


President Paul Kagame stayed in the Guinean capital as part of a work and friendship visit. Colonel Mamadi Doumbouya told his ministers on Thursday that the Rwandan leader’s stay focused on discussions on several topics of national interest for the benefit of our two countries .

After the establishment of a joint Guinea-Rwanda cooperation commission, the President of the Transition recalled that the technical teams of the two countries have worked seriously to achieve the development of a memorandum of understanding on April 18, 2023 .

To give meaning to this document, he ordered instructions to the Prime Minister to take all the necessary measures for the implementation of the Guinea-Rwanda joint commission and the memorandum of understanding in the field of posts, telecommunications, information and communication, the digitization of the State.

As for the Minister of Transport, he has received firm instructions in the direction of making arrangements for the opening of an air line between Conakry and Kigali.

He instructed Minister Morissanda Kouyaté of Foreign Affairs to work without delay for the opening of consular representations within the framework of strengthening the ties of friendship and cooperation between Guinea and Rwanda.

By VisionGuinee.Info

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