15 FARDC soldiers killed during clashes with Mobondo militiamen


Soldiers from the 11th military region of the Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo were killed during violent clashes with Mobondo militiamen. The events took place during the day of Sunday September 17 in the village of Mulosi, located between Kabuba and Batshongo, in the territory of Kenge (Kwango).

The information was delivered this Monday, September 18 by Adelard Nkisi, spokesperson for the Kwango provincial government. He adds that on the militia side, at least 3 Mobondo were killed.

He specifies that this is a provisional assessment. All the surrounding villages, adds Adelard Nkisi, are emptied of their inhabitants, fleeing the atrocities of this militia. He therefore invites the central government to restore peace and security in Kwango and to come to the aid of these displaced populations.

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