5 Free Tuition Universities in Norway


5 Free Tuition Universities in Norway
posted on APRIL 22, 2016

Norway is famous among international students for it’s tuition free university education and this captures the attention of lots of prospective students who want to study at an excellent university without spending huge amounts of money.

The first step to applying in Norway is finding a university that is suitable for your desired course and which fits your lifestyle. To help narrow the search, below are five (5) excellent universities in Norway that offer tuition free education.

Norwegian University of Science and Technology NTNU
NTNU offers all students a distinct advantage over many other universities in Europe and North America: there are no tuition fees here. However, students do need to cover their own living expenses. Furthermore, all international students who are not citizens of EU/EEA/EFTA countries must be able to document that they have enough funding to live in Norway in order to be granted a student visa.

Official website: http://www.ntnu.edu/studies/financing-and-scholarships

Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences
As a state owned institution HiOA do not charge tuition fees. This applies to both Norwegian and international students. There is a mandatory fee, the semester fee, covering membership in the Student Welfare Organization, use of printers etc. The semester fee is currently NOK660 per semester. If you plan to attend HiOA as an exchange student , you are automatically exempt from any fees.

Official website: https://student.hioa.no/en/finance-your-studies

University of Nordland – formerly Bodø University College
University of Nordland does not charge tuition fees. However, the Norwegian Government requires that students from outside the European Union (EU) can provide a minimum amount of money to cover living expenses for one academic year in Norway. The current amount of money to be transferred to University of Nordland is NOK 92 500 for the academic year.

Official website: http://www.nord.no/en/studies/admission/Pages/default.aspx#57dbaecb-b717-ed80-b0bb-640406c410a0

University of Bergen
The only fee to be paid at the University of Bergen is the semester fee to the Student Welfare Organisation (SiB), currently NOK 480. The University of Bergen is a public institution and therefore does not charge tuition fees. This applies both to Norwegian and international students.

Official website: http://www.uib.no/education/practical-information/prospective-students/finances-and-insurance

Bergen University College
Bergen University College offers an accommodation guarantee at SiB Student accommodation. This guarantee is only valid if you apply within 1st of May and 1st of November and if your courses start at the beginning of the semester, in August and January.

Official website: http://www.hib.no/en/studies/fulldegree/

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