Supply of Motor Vehicle Spare Parts at Jali Holdings Ltd

Business Tips

PART 1 – Bidding Procedures
Tender Notice (TN) / Invitation for Bids (IFB)
Jali Investment Ltd (hereinafter called ‘’Client”) through its ordinary Budget for the FY 2020; invites qualified bidders to submit bids for the acquisition of Motor Vehicle Spare Parts which is considered as LOT I and glasses which is also considered as LOT II for Jali Investments and its subsidiary Companies’ Vehicles as indicated in details in the statement of Requirements. But note that you are allowed to bid for both lots but no one bidder shall be qualified for both lots.

The Client, therefore, intends to apply a portion of the Budget to eligible payments under the successful contract for which this Bidding Document is issued.

The tender comprises different lots as hereunder mentioned and participation is open to all companies specialized in that field.



Lot 1

Toyota coaster

Lot 2

Toyota Coaster Glasses

Note: All interested bidders are allowed to submit their bids on both lots. But each lot shall be evaluated separately and no bidder shall be given all lots (each successful bidder shall be allowed to operate one lot)

Tender document in English may be obtained from the procurement office of Jali Investment upon presentation of the proof of payment of non-refundable fees of ten thousand Rwandan francs (10,000 Frs.) deposited to the account of Jali Investment opened in one of the following Bank Account: 00045-07751220-06 for Jali investment Ltd in Bank of Kigali.
The bid shall be accompanied by a Bid Security of 3,500,0000 Fr issued by Banking institutions recognized in Rwanda.
Inquiries regarding this tender may be addressed to [email protected]
Bids must be submitted to Jali investment Head Quarters located at Street Muhima Sector Nyarugenge District not later than 13th April 2020 at 14:00 pm Late bids will be rejected.

Bids will be opened in Jali Investment on 13th April 2020 at14:30hr pm

in the office of procurement 3rd floor.


Procurement Manager. C.E.O JaliInvestment ltd

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